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Rat Cage

Rat Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Made from bin on bottom, bird cage in middle and top floor made from playpen and old Hamster Cage parts. Houses 2 rats- big enough for more.
Love the cage. Yes, the best cages are made with wire mesh floors, but I would personally never use (wire) it as my rat broker her foot being on the wire floor. Very creative too. Colorful. Nice and roomy for only two rats. I have 7 rats, and I've had one litter(kept all the babies, too, but sadly two have already gone to the bridge). You seem to know lots about rats which is good, just please cover the floors with vinal, liolium, chorolplast, cardboard, carpet, fleece, newspaper, or evern some old clothes. Evern though wire is easier to clean than covering over the wire, I highly reccomend against it, but that is because my Pepsi broke her foot, not because it could possibly be linked to bumblefoot infection.
i think it looks great and big for rats, and i'm sure when this cage was fyrnished it had hammocks etc so they could get of the wire floor, my rat has a wire floor but it also has a tray to sit in when it wants to get off the wire.
I made my rat cage from the same playpens. I do no have a floor in it on the bottom, it sits on a mesh cage for Boogie and Phyrnne, I put a sheet on top of that (or fleece) and then the second floor has a towel or something. (depends on what is on top of the linens, lol) My rats are happy with their new, temporary home and are more active than thye were in a wire bottom cage. There are two sides to everything and both sides feel they are right for different reasons. I try to keep an open mind and I do like this cage, even though I prefer to cover the floors with something soft. (some might say I overspoil my pets, I would agree wholeheartedly, lol) My rats use a litterbox, so cleanliness isnt an issue in my cages, guess I can go on with the sodt linens. Also, they dont chew on anything but their sleeping pouches, before anyone asks. (I just found about 1/2 lb of rodent block in one sleep pouch, lol. The girls are hoarding. The boys gave me their opinion by pitching the blocks into their litterboxes while I watched. Hmmm. What do they think of the rodent blocks? I guess it involves a bad word or two)
Even if wire is more sanitary , regular cleanings of a flat bottom should replace wire.
Saftey , comfort , and exersize are the main causes. And I`m sorry if your rats passed away (as you`ve said might have happened in the above post) but just because it has been a few months , why would they have died? Perhaps a little more effort could be contributed.
Oh yah, and please just calm down! No one was meaning to be offensive to your or your animals , we were just all conserning what was best and being curious for goodness sakes.
Looks fine to me. I could obviously tell that the cage was not in use. If you really look at the picture you can see that there's no mandatory things (food bowls, water bottles, etc.)
I think the cage looks great..more than big enough for 2 rats. Could possibly house up to 4. Great job, very creative.

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