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ramps - Guinea Pig Cages

The ramp going from the bottom to the top floor is on the right. To the left is a bent grid to connect the two sides of the upper level.
Thanks. Thought of it very last minute. Wanted to add more to the upper level without having to add another ramp from the lower level. Worked out well. My pigs love the extra room!
Where did you get all the carpet and how much did it cost. Great cage bet your pigs love it. =)
My boys do love their cage! I had the carpet left of from when I had carpet installed. You could try any place that sells carpet. They may have remnants you could buy. Or you could even use a throw rug or door mat from any store. Hope that helps you out!
I used left over carpet that the people putting in the carpet were going to throw away and others they weren't going to throw away I also used the carpet cardboard that the store wraps it around that you get for chubes-money saver (kinda) but it's hard to cut the carpet cardboard but they last longer aren't colored and you can use them for supporets. :D
Great idea!!!! My pigs really like to sleep on carpet!! I'm sure your's love it!!

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