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Ramp Toilet

Ramp Toilet - Guinea Pig Cages

My pigs tend to pee at the bottom of the ramp, so to protect the carpet I use kitten litter trays at the bottom of the larger ramps. All I do is lift the ramp up and then put it back down with the bottom of it actually in the toilet.
I stuff the toilet with hay to tempt them to go into the litter tr
My piggies don't use their litter box either. They tend to go in their cozy or the PVC pipe. At least that way the poop stays off the fleece.
Your piggie looks just like my Oreo.
i think that's cute.. it kinda looks like something playful and fun for the piggie..

to come down the ramp and land in a nice soft pile of hay...
Thank you! That's Jasmine in the picture. They still poop everywhere but don't really pee anywhere other than the toilets.
My ginea pigs would be all over that. They love hay in boxes for toliet or other wise.
My baby paper trained himself. He goes on a sheet of newspaper, which i remove a couple times a day and give him new paper. Smart boy. I didn't even try to do it myself. :)

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