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racetrack_road_course_4 - Guinea Pig Cages

You crack me up with the "racetrack pigstop" sticker! HA! Too funny!

But I have to know, how in the heck did you bend those grids so evenly?! I bought my grids at Target & I can BARELY even bend them in half, let alone bend them accurately! Please! Tell me your secret!

love the set-up...very creative. Your piggies are in heaven! Oh and for socalcavies: I got mine at target. you step on them with your feet or foot and bend it very slowly so it doesn't break. not that hard, and this is comming from an 14yr old teenager who only weight over 70lbs!
That is so cute! one thing i would do would to make it so you can put the peices in the air and together for when your not there to watch them run around.
Wow, you must have a lot of time on your hands!! This is so awesome! Your piggies must never get bored! It's a little insane, but in a good way:) Great job!
They must be some spoiled lil piggies. What lucky lil furries!

That is honestly amazing.
I'm just...Stunned. That's so insane...I love it! I wish I could do that for mine! That looks like major piggy fun.

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