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race track for pickles & rosie

race track for pickles & rosie - Guinea Pig Cages

ramps added for the pigs for floor time on the bed and table
:) :?: I'm thinking of making ramps simaler to that. how did you make them?:?: :) :?: :) :?: :)
Wow... That is AMAZING! O__O What happens when you have to use the bed, though? >___>
Thats, HUGE! How many guinea pigs are in there?! I love it!

Edit: didn't know there was only two hehe. Is that their day time cage or just a racetrack like you said?
That is so cool! i love your cage your guinea-pigs must love it to have so much room to roam around in.
I love how you folded the cage grids to make tunnels for them. They are some spoiled,happy piggies! :) Awesome job.

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