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Rabbit Cage

Rabbit Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I made this cage for Manny with leftovers after making a cavy cage. It's only 2X2.5, but still larger than $60 cage.
The coroplast doesn't cover the entire top floor. Will his feet slip through? Other than that good job!
I have a Holland Lop (PoGo) that looks just like your Manny. I also have a mini Rex (Pogy, my 5 year old named her) They both use a hammock in the top of their cage. I go in at night to check my son and they will be sleeping in it. I left it in after I put my ferret in there (without the buns) for a little bit to clean and organize his cage. Well, PoGo went up four floors and plopped her bottom right in there. Now Pogy does the same. I am making one about 4 cubes tall, and 2 grids wide (or something like that) My ferrets need a bigger cage too. The bunnies are loose a lot, but still working on the litterbox thing here. I want them to be loose more often, but without the 'rasins' on the floor, lol. I love the cage. Maybe later you will expand and Manny can have the bottom floor to run races in and do the bunny ballet. Manny is a beautiful bunny.

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