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rabbit cage multilevel, photo two of three

rabbit cage multilevel, photo two of three - Guinea Pig Cages

With their playpen open
Wonderful idea and concept. However, I have to question the stability of the levels, plus the size of them. If they jump to high or hard, they could go right through the other side. Some 1 x 2's under the levels will help support them.
It seems to be ok (stability-wise)...they hop all over the place. There are two poles (pvc, I think?) on either side of the door, helping support the top level, and there are the grid cubes set vertically to help, too.

I posted these pics because I spent HOURS researching this site for ideas, and found SO many helpful things. This cage is a combination of several I found, plus some of my husband's ingenuity. :) Hope it helps someone else in return! Thanks!
OH wow! I love it, I have been trying to think of some fun but easy to clean ideas and I love this one! Good job! I think I am going to build something along those lines for mine, thanks!
wow awesome cage, cant say enough on how great it is. Lucky bunnies!

To the last 2 posters on this, bunnies can and by the looks of the pics are litter trained. My guys also have carpet and never mess on it. If the bunnies are litter trained there is no need for bedding. Just another reason why i love my rabbits such clean and great pets!

Wonderful job!
Great cage......some years back I had a bunny who just lived in the house, he had a litter tray as a cat would and there was never any mess! He did have a 3 storey cage outside for when we left the back door open, that way he would jump in there if there were any predators about!

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