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"Bed cage" - slightly redone, picture 1

"Bed cage" - slightly redone, picture 1 - Guinea Pig Cages

I have made some changes to the doors since my first post in the gallery. I have made them shorter in order to make them sturdier. This meant adding a piece in the middle that can't be opened.

I have also changed the bedding, from wood shavings to VetBed (which works great!).

In the picture you c
Wow! cool! is the bottom part a bed? I bet the drawers help for storing their beding, food, ext. huh? and love the "cavy-cam" idea.
Wow! This is awesome! So creative, I love it. And what a great idea with the "cavy-cam". 1000/10!
OMG i love that idea im gonna do that i saw that bed peice at walmart and it was on sale 4 real cheap...ihope!!!lol
I'd give you 20/10 if I could. I loooove it! It's beautiful, especially with the lights and the painting. And the draws would be so handy but it looks so nice! And I love the pig-cam!

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