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potty trained

potty trained - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the girls' litter pan, they are now 100% potty trained. I started to train them like puupies, placing a litter pan in EVERY SINGLE corner, then taking away 1 each week, and a month later, you are left with 1 litter pan (lined with carefresh, packed with hay) and 2 trained girls!
aww, that is so adorsable!!! what is the cahir made out of??? I really like it, did you make it or buy it from a shop and your guinea pig is sooooooooooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!
i was thinking of training my guinea pig like that but he doesnt poop in any corners... he poops in his igloo.... how do i make him stop?
Erica, why don't you put a litter pan in the igloo and then after a month or so, take the igloo away and move is elswhere
Do your guinea pigs really with the bird toys? I put some in my cage but there was no interest in them from my girls.
my pigs have 1 too, but my little girl doesn't like is, so she always pee and poo beside a little pan
So amazing!
I really hope I can train my guinea pigs too. The problem is, they pee and poo anywhere.
You can train them? I got my guinea pig about a month ago and never read this anywhere. I read and read before I bought my guinea pig. wow... How do I start training him and the litter pan is it specially for guinea pigs or can it be any random pan.

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