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potty bin

potty bin - Guinea Pig Cages

Spazzie's the only one who really grasped the concept of the potty bin, but her daughter jane is quickly catching on.
I wish my piggie would go in one corner, he just goes in his tunnel, its pretty grose really.
I would like to potty train my female. My male goes in the potty box but the female goes everywhere. Any suggestions? Like your pen, I just built mine a couple of days ago and am looking for ideas.
How do you all get your piggs house-trained? I wan´t some help with how to do :(
Wow Spazzie looks very, very similar to my pig Pearl. The only diference i can see is in the eyes, and Spazzie looks more fit haha. Plus Pearl has a tiny, tiny notch in her ear from her sister. But really I think they are like clones or something. Too cute!

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