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Pigloo - Guinea Pig Cages

These are the pigloos with the solid bottoms. I made little fleece blankets for inside them and have them dotted about the room for when the pigs want some quiet time away from the others (they free range by day). I thought they might use them as toilets too (they usually return to the cage for tha
That was my experience as well. Using them IN the cage was a messy nightmare. Outside would be a good hiding and nap spot. I think in general, you want to make sure that hidey houses in the cage do not have a bottom.
guinea has a pigloo that i got from pets at home in the uk
did you get yours from there?
I got it from Bunny Bazaar https://www.bunnybazaar.co.uk/index.html - they sell loads of great guinea pig accessories and the profits go towards looking after all their rescue rabbits, so I'm always happy to give them my custom!
I have seen these sold at drsfostersmith.com , I love their products and I have really wanted one of those.

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