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Piggy Room!

Piggy Room! - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the piggy room after switching to fleece and putting my neutered boy in with his ten new girlfriends! Yay, it's finally all finished! I think the piggies are pretty happy with their mansion. ;)

Piggies in residence: Feria, Bonnie, Turtle, Sasha, Roxy, Pearl, Paprika, Doodlebear, Maya, Mo
It looks even better than it did with bedding! Good job, but how do they get from the 2x3 on the left to the rest of the cage? I don't see an opening, same with the 6x2 on the right side?
Jenni_Feathers- I vacuum the fleece every day and wash it once a week. It's actually not too bad.

Catzeye21138- There are openings cut out of the grids, which I then sanded down until they are smooth. I posted a picture of one of the entrances in the "Ramps/Steps" photo gallery.
Wow Wow Wow, thats all i can say, that is like Piggy City!! Great Job *Thumbs up*
How many piggies do you have?

W.O.W. GREAT cage! I love how the whole room is dedicated to your pigs, and you even have a couch in the middle of it; it's perfect. And the lights around the whole thing adds the finishing touch. Excellent work!
This is truly amazing! I wish I had the space for something like that. Although I think my two piggy boys would probably get lost haha!

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