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Piggy palace

Piggy palace - Guinea Pig Cages

I just recently finished this cage. I have 4 females now living in it and they love it just as much as I do. Its a little bare right now because I just finished sanitizing it and some of the things are still in the washer like their futon and tent covers
Looks great. I don't think its "Cluttered" but maybe just try like putting the food and water both on the same wal close to each other, etc. jsut sort of put it in a bit of an order so they have more running space. But its a wonderful cage! Also, to some of you it might also look a bit cluttered because the different colors of flece. i dont know about you but at first i thought it was a bunch of things on the ground but its really flece.
I think it's a great cage. It's not cluttered; it provides the pigs with plenty of mental stimulation. It's fine. Some people just worry too much. It's definately bigger and better then any pet store cage. I used to have 3 pigs in a 2x3 and 4 in a 2x4 and they had plenty of room and they were much happier then when they were in aquariums.
I think your cage is absolutely gorgeous and any pig would be lucky to have an owner who cares about them as much as you obviously do. I also like the way you have the water and food in different places, that way it gets the piggies to exercize as they run from water to food and back.
Nothing wrong in my opinion, they have everything they need! I just got my piggies yesterday and I'm hoping to get them potty trained.... I also do the fleece and think is sooo much easier than anything else...

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