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Pigger Farm

Pigger Farm - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the start of Larry and Ramone's cage. It is made of wood covered with contact paper. The plans are being made now for the second level :)
nice! love how you have both fleece and bedding. the only thing is that i think you need like somthing for them to go and sleep in, not just a tunnle. but i LOVE it!
Thanks I am in the process of making a cute cuddle bed. Unfortunately, it has to be made free because I rescued my cuties from a pet store, incurring quite a large vet bill bless their wittle hearts. Thats why I made sure they at least had doubled fleece under their bellies :)
Nice cage, lots of space for the piggies.
You can easily give them more hiding places by putting cardbord boxes and paper bags (with big holes in them) in it. ;-)

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