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~Penny, Nickel & Dime's Cages~

~Penny, Nickel & Dime's Cages~ - Guinea Pig Cages

This was there new cage that I built about a month ago. I've made some rearrangements so that the Dime can visit Nickel upstairs so that he won't be lonely and now Penny has a small upstairs loft so that he can also visit Nickel. I found out that if I do it this way the two boys don't fight or act t
such a nice cage. I might have to separate my boys as well. Prince keeps chasing his nephews. My 2 nephews who are 4 months have been living with prince since the age of 3 weeks but he keeps chasing them both alot now and I found small mini bit wounds nothing major. My other young boars are 2 months old now and he is kinda chasing them too. I might do something like that. Put a ramp on and they can just visit.

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