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Pebbles in Piggy Paradise

Pebbles in Piggy Paradise - Guinea Pig Cages

Made a new cuddle cup yesterday and has been a great favourite with pebbles - here she is enjoying her lettuce in it!

Could you possibly tell me how you get it to be round? I make mine like little sacks. Square and they lay on one of their sides. I want to make one big enough for both my little girls to sit in together, for now that is since they are only about 10 week old.

I'm a sewing freak, so anything I can make for my piggies with my own little touch just makes me HAPPY!
I basically cut 2 dinner plate sized circles and 2 rectangles, sewed a rectagle to each circle, then sewed the two tops of the rectangles together and left an opening to turn it the right way and then used teddy bear stuffing in the sides and underneath and sewed up the hole. Pebbles turned it on its side to get in then she rearranges it up the right way in order to get herself comfy!

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