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Pebbles & Stardust cage (sorta)

Pebbles & Stardust cage (sorta) - Guinea Pig Cages

I dont have the coroplast for this cage. This was a last minute thing. The lady needed to get rid of them and they were in this huge store bought cage and I wanted to move them into something better. I have plenty of the wire squares to make it like the other one, I just need to get the coroplast
Yeah, I did not know what else to use. I am going to Lowes today to get some flooring, I have to get into touch w/ a company here that sells the Coro. The dog doesnt mind that I "borrowed" his puppy pads! He just wants to see what I brought home now.
I see you are using the puppy pads. I buy & use pads for people. I got 30 of them for 7.50. I had to go to a pharmacy to get it them but you can get bigger ones and more for the money. I use them under the fleece. Great job for something so quick. :)

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