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peanut butter and noodles cage

peanut butter and noodles cage - Guinea Pig Cages

this cage houses my 2 guinea pigs
This cage is okay, i think your right fourwabbys the ramp does look steep, but apart from that, thumbs up. :)
I love this cage but.Can you make the 2cd level littler? because my guinea pig would hide under-neath it.And I wouldn't be able to pick him up.
And is that blue fleece rubber ducks? if it is where did you get it because my guinea pig would love it.Or maybe it would be my that loves it. :)
lol sure you can make the 2nd level smaller. I got the fleece from joans craft store. It was on sale. It comes w/ two pieces of fleece becuase your suposed to make pillows with it.
Nicley done. This is an awesome cage! The grids are so cool, and the color is very attractive! Well done!
Peanut butter noodles... I love how the names clash!

Nice cage!

Do you have males or females?

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