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Patch and Charlotes cage

Patch and Charlotes cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Patch and Charlotes 2 story cage.
Very nice! Is that white fleece at the top or just plain coroplast? How did you make the hay rack on the second level?
Thank you both.
It is a cream fleece on the top.
The hay rack is made from a spare grid slightly bent and coroplast joined together with cable ties.
That' a beautiful cage! I love it! What are you uing for traction on the ramp - it's made out of coroplast right? I love the litter box deign as well at the top (I think that's what it is :) Are they pretty good about using it? What are those cardboard piece at the top? Great job, gave me some ideas mhaaa... Waiting for the summer break to redo my cage!
Thank you for your lovely comments.
I have got a grip mat on the ramp and bent grids to keep the coroplast sturdy.
Yes they do use the litter box and it is also great for catching all the hay too.
The cardbord pieces were on the side but they moved them by the ramp, (think they wanted a door on their kitchen). I put them in there for them to chew on or to play with.
I LOVE the little wooden ramp thing coming down from the litterbox its so cute :D I love the cage as well!
Hi there, where did you get the little wooden ramps and things for the piggies to climb on? Your cage is fantastic!

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