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palace for 2

palace for 2 - Guinea Pig Cages

Thank you. Working on getting a better picture. Once we started, we just couldn't stop. It has 6 rooms and approx. 42 sq. ft. It took about $250 in materials, but they're worth it. No one else seems to have used wood, so it is definitely unique.
If you look in the alternative cages section (where all your cage photos have been moved to) there are a few other wood cages along with other alternative cages to C&C's. These galleries are dedicated to Cubes and Coroplast (C&C) cages not wood cages thus the reason you don't see many wood cages.
I would imagine over time that the wood would get a bit stinky as it soaks up urine stains etc. I know that the wooden houses we have have to be cleaned at least every six months or so.
Very imaginative cage.
My only concern would be about a curious piggy falling from having low sides. Piggies can get startled and do unexpected things.

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