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Outlet Door for Floortime

Outlet Door for Floortime - Guinea Pig Cages

I made a few new adjustments on the cage. I put the food dishes in a new place so that they don't fight over one and put their cozy in place of where the food dish was originally. Then I moved their pigloo to the upper level to give more running area. I also used my extra grid and stuck that on the
Wow, thats exellant(sp?), what is that white thing on your piggies back? Its still a little to small for 2 piggies, but looks great anyway!
Actually its more than the minimum for two pigs.

You have such cute piggies. I have a little black one like yours. Looks great!
It is a 2x3, which is perfect for two pigs. I think it looks nice and you did a great job!!
Great cage! I like the idea of having access to the cage during floor time. Wish I could do that to mine. And the size for 2 pigs is just fine.
Oh, and cute piggies :)
Love the cage! I think it's a good size. I made mine about twice that size to start with, and ended up scaling it back. My two didn't seem to like too much space, they're hoping and running around alot now.

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