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Our Skinny Pig Dobby

Our Skinny Pig Dobby - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Dobby! We adopted him from a person on craigslist. He is now enjoying his own C & C Cage with his fleece blankets :)
Is he a mix or do most have hair on their heads, just not body?

Poor guy is probably loving the fact you use fleece. They have to get cold at times.
I think most skinny's have hair on their heads and ankles. He does have more hair on his head than most.

We make sure he has his blankets and cuddle cups/cozies so he doesn't get the chills. We wouldn't want our little naked Dobby to get cold :)
What an adorable litle boy! :)

He does seem to have a lot of fur on his haid and he has a little bit on his back so it could be possible he was bred normal haired piggy x with a skinny pig gene carrier, or a normal haired piggy x skinny piggy :)
do naked cavies get colder faster than regular cavies? Meaning, those with fur? He is a cute guy. He looks soft even without the fur. And he seems to be enjoying the spoiled life. :)
He is a Baldwin, Baldwins have bits of hair on the head & is not a "skinny" "skinny"... the ones that are really bald though out.

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