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Our Cage V1.2

Our Cage V1.2 - Guinea Pig Cages

We extended the tray to the corners and put trays under the hidey houses. We also are using Carefresh for the big tray.
Your boys are gorgeous -- love the color of their fur. We did something similar to your tray idea and also use fleece, and it's worked well for us. I like the mini-trays under the hidey houses.
Timmeh, there is one water bottle in the upper left corner and one in the lower left corner. If you look closely, the spouts are sticking through the wall. The walls are 12" high.
Timmeh please don't rate horribly unless you know for SURE that something is wrong. It makes people stir up.
Awsome cage ! I love the idea of the trays !
And your piggys are so cute ! Are they brothers ?

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