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Oscar's cage

Oscar's cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This cage belongs to Oscar my hedgehog. He loves it and it's much nicer than his old petstore cage.
Where is he? I was searching for ages looking at the teddies thinking he looks alittle wierd.
Nice cage!
But why are you actually keeping a hedgehog? Don't they belong in nature ... ?
I mean, cavies do also, but they are already born in captivity and they will be preys in nature because of their colours.
Lol he was not born in the wild... didn't you know? There is a breed of hedgehog that is kept as a pet. Just like a guinea pig, they are becoming domesticated aswell. He would die in the wild. I got him from a breeder so if I hadn't bought him, someone else would have anyway. What do you mean by "they will be preys in nature because of their colours." Sorry, don't understand!

Here are websites about this domesticated breed of hedgehog. https://www.angelfire.com/wa2/comemeetmyfamily/CaringForYourHedgehog.html

I plan on getting a hedgehog in the near future, and was wondering what you put on the floor of oscars cage.

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