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Oreo and Butterfinger's hammock

Oreo and Butterfinger's hammock - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is the girls hammock, the ramp is 10 mm coroplast covered in a towel!
wow I love the hammock thing idea, what is the ramp made out of and how did you attach it to the hammock thing??????
I've tried hammocks in the past but none of the boys really take to them. They are cuddle cup and cozy cave type guinea pigs.
Yes, it is 10 mm!
I do not remember where I purchased that size.
Try doing some searching on the internet for it and maybe some sign stores will show up.
Sorry I cant be very helpful! :)
I just made a padded hamock out of an old pellow case and my guinea has finaly figured out how to sit in it. Good job with the ramp!

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