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Open Cage with Fleece.

Open Cage with Fleece. - Guinea Pig Cages

This is a shot of my girls cage. They have a tent to hide in and a tunnel, as we haven't found a nice hidey hole for them yet.
It looks good! I can't see from the photo, how do they get to their kitcken? Hole in the coroplast, I presume? I adore your fleece!
Yeah they have a entrance way in the coroplast, and the edges are lined so they don't hurt their little feet.
I found it in a little local store here in my town. I was trying to avoid the temptation to buy the whole bolt and make myself an awesome cuddle blankey, but it was like 10 bucks a bolt. The pigs have no idea what a cool thing they are pooping on!!!!
If they ever get "count chocula" or "Frankenberry", I'll have a seizure right there in the store! Lol

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