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new_cage_3 - Guinea Pig Cages

Another view of the pigs new cage. The loft is an L shape but I changed it so that the ramp is in the front.(easier to clean!)
It was all "holy" hole-y lol I disposed of it. I was gonna make a house from it but I bought two 4 ft by 8 ft peices of coro. Thanks!
thanks, but I re-did it again, I took down the upper level completely. I was bored, I may put it back up, I haven't decided.
You could make it look different, like put the 1x2 on the bottom level sticking more of out, or putting it as a 2nd level against the wall. Oh, now I want to re-model my cage! Wait, I just did.
Oh cool, what color coro? Are you going to keep it gray, no offense I'm not crazy about it, I liked the red better, but I still really like your cage(wow, long run on sentence ..sorta). How much more do they like the space?
They love the space! Even Dagwell was popcorning, they all move around alot more, ther is more room for toys and food. I'm gonna keep half grey and the other half black because when I redo my room those are gonna be the main colors, with some possible accents of red.

Yes, I am really into designs and stuff lol

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