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NEW!!! - Guinea Pig Cages

I took the original cage and turned it into a 2nd floor loft. So now the base of the cage is 3 x 3 plus 2 x 4... I also relocated the ramp to the middle so the girls can still run their laps. For ramps i simply use the black drainage pipes since it is cheap enough to be replaced when they get icky a
Wow. Its really big. Love the fleece!
Except how do they get to that green cage?
Great job though. Lucky pigs!
There is another piece of drainage tube leading up to it, its visible on the far left of the green cage. Thank you for your comment<3
Love the John Deere fleece! Isn't it amazing how huge their living space is now compared to their original cage?
Yeah it is, I couldn't imagine keeping one in there. Its hard to belive some make two live in that tiny space :-X

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