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New Mansion for the boys

New Mansion for the boys - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my latest remodel of the boys mansion. I am hoping to get them to start using the loft.
I was just wondering if you have a problem with your pig eating the fleece? My pig eats everything that I try to put in her cage! I got one of those nice fluffy beds for her to sleep in from petsmart and she started eating it so I had to take it away from her! I am afraid that I am going to go buy all of this stuff and she is going to eat holes in it. Plus that would be really bad for her! If anyone has suggestions on how to stop her from eating things besides her food please let me know!!! [email protected]!!!
I love your cage and I am especially impressed with the ramp. I am always looking for ideas for ramps. Good Going!!!

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