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New Mansion for the boys

New Mansion for the boys - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my latest remodel of the boys mansion. I am hoping to get them to start using the loft.
I absolutly love your cage. I'm going to make mine like your except with a 3x4.
Great it is very very easy I also went through about 200 of the big white cable ties to make it so if I need to move the cage around its easy and it wont come apart. If you need help just let me know.
Hi I am in the process of buying the materials for my new baby cavy. I noticed some, like yourself, that have like carpet or towel as bedding instead of paper or hay and stuff. Is this something that is ok to do with my guinea pig? Is there any particular material that is not unsafe for them? I am such a neat freak and it looks like such a nice and neat little palace you have there. Is clean up any easier?
Yes, I use fleece for bedding I just purchased some fleece throws from JC Penny I put down 1 layer of puppy pads, 5 layers news paper, than the fleece over it. I have a small hand vac that I use to vacuum up the poo daily sometimes 2-3 times a day to keep it neat. I might make a suggestion if you go this route find something to hold down the fleece as my boys have taken to burrowing under the fleece. To change once a week roll the fleece up and take it out doors to shake out then roll up the news paper and stuff it in a trash bag then replace only the puppy pads that have urine in them then reapply new newspaper and then put your new fleece blanket down while you wash the one you just removed. Actually very very easy.
How cool! I think I might just try that idea when I make my cage and see how my lil Nismo likes it :)

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