Da_3_mad_pigs Jan 29, 2006 My stepdad is an arcuteach and he made it out of correx, it took him about 3 hours. lol
Fluffy Feb 1, 2006 Very nice cage! What happy little pigs they must be! We just got our "Fluffy" 2 weeks ago and are in the process of designing a happy home for our newest furry family member!
Very nice cage! What happy little pigs they must be! We just got our "Fluffy" 2 weeks ago and are in the process of designing a happy home for our newest furry family member!
xguineapigrulez Feb 1, 2006 Great cage!!! though there needs to be more place to run around, but still, what lucky piggies!
athread678 Aug 22, 2007 Great ramp! My dad's an architect too, but not so great with a razor blade! Haha, I love Winnie the Pooh too. Great cage decorations!
Great ramp! My dad's an architect too, but not so great with a razor blade! Haha, I love Winnie the Pooh too. Great cage decorations!