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New larger cage

New larger cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Just added on the 2x2 area on the left to the 2x4 w/ 1x4 loft cage. The area that is open has a lid that is hooked open in the picture.
I love the flowers and all the storage space. Great cage for your spoiled piggies!
AWESOME! I love the way to set up the paper towels. What a great idea. I have a question about your ramps. I see that you used coroplast. Is there anything under it for support and what do you have on top of it?
The landing is a grid covered w/ coroplast and then a piece of carpet. The side walls and ramps are just coroplast w/ carpet then i just used zip ties to hook it all together and to the sides of cage. I will post a better pic.
I love the flowers and the paper towel holder too. I wish that I could do that but my cage is so big that I have to go inside of it to clean it. my Piggers just love it when they see a forien object in their cage such as my shoes and they try to bite it and run all over it.

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