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New Fleece

New Fleece - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the new fleece I got for my piggles, along with their ramp, loft, cuddle cup and hammock.
Cute cuddle cup! I made one for my piggies too, but they found it to be the perfect "toilet"...Did you make it yourself - the cuddle cup? Nice fleece, very pieceful...
Yes, my guinea pigs love using their cuddle cup as a potty. I also got them one of those timothy hay cozies from oxbowhay.com [$20 + shipping] and they peed in it instead of eating/lying in it. At least now if I ever want to litterbox train them I know what they like to pee in :p
I did make the cup myself, it is really flimsy because I didn't double-layer the batting.

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