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New Clear Coroplast Experimental cage

New Clear Coroplast Experimental cage - Guinea Pig Cages

2x3 1/2 cage with a 2x2 loft. This cage is kind of experimental. I'm not sure that I'm completley happy with this cage yet.
I love it. I'm not sure that the sides will be high enough, but other than that it looks good. Your clear, thicker coroplast looks just like what I'm using. I think I said that in your post before. I'll have pics of it up tomorrow. I'm using the excess to make houses and tunnels and rooms for my piggies. Anyway, good luck and keep us posted if you change your mind.
So far only skunk has used the ramp. They are, for the most part, a bit confused by it lol. But I made little steps on the coroplast so it's easier for them to get up and down.

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