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New Cage

New Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

My first C&C cage. I've made alot of changes. I made a second level but found it too hard to clean since I only use towels. I need to find a place to buy coroplast... But this is my newest big cage!
Where are you located. Any type of sign place would have coroplast, Budget sign, Fast signs. For about $25.00.
Or you could use a shower curtain, only $5 some places. Great cage by the way, it's good you can provide so much room for them. (2?)
good idea on the second part of my cage i used boxes taped them togther for the floor and then put renolds rap on the bottom and taped that on. and then put the fleece down. you can't even see the bottom.
Thanks for your advice. I found a FastSigns near me so I'll check that out. I like the other ideas also but I definitely want to try the cloroplast because it seems to be the perfect thing.
I think the coroplast is the best also. I'v added on to my cage so many times i ran out. I have to save up again for a new piece. Well 2 pieces now.
Good luck glad you found fast signs.!

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