Finally, we did it! It's a 4x3 cage with a 1x4 hayloft divided in two because the two can't be together for the moment. We will try to put them together in a few months. If they still can't go together, this is the 2nd best option. We love the cage!
Well, it went alright, until they both reached puberty. They had some bloodshed, and now they even try to bite each other though the grids. Well, not really bite, but they warn each other very clearly...
Thats no good. I have female piggies so I have no clue what its like to have males. Sounds frustrating at times though. Hope they start liking each other again.
Well, they can't be with or without each other. Sometimes they start to hunt each other though the grids, sometimes the sleep next to each other peacefully. Cavies.. *sigh*