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New cage

New cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is our new cage. The boys love all the extra room!
I love this set up! I noticed you have a definite litter area and blankets everywhere else. Does this work well for you? Do the pigs to the majority of their urinating in the litter area? We are thinking about remodeling our cages and have thought about trying to litter train our piggies, so I was hoping you could give me some info on how it's working for you!
They do the majority of their "business" in the litter area, but they do go all over. I've tried to litter train them to a specific litter box, but no luck. Good Luck!!!
Mine would have to learn to USE ramps first before I can do a spacial litter area like that. Ive tried everything to get them to use the ramps with no prevail.

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