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New Cage / Full View

New Cage / Full View - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is our new cage which we improved for safety and fun. It's 2 and a half levels. Wire shelving for the walls. 1st floor has children's foam puzzle mats. 2nd floor has coroplast on the bottom covered in fleece. Food loft makes up the half level above which was made from a canvas bin. The tubes ar
Are the squares on bottom easy to clean? Do the piggies like it? I'm trying to find a good flooring, I don't think mine like the fleece.
I know it's been over a year since someone last commented on this, but I was wondering- is that just regular ferret tubing? Cuz I want to buy some but I have only been able to see it online, and to me it just seems too small? Thanks!
I just ordered some earlier this week. I want to do the same thing. I will let you know how they work.
Just wanted to come back and say my boys love these. The tubes are the only ramp they have used. Nothing else worked. But they run up and down these like crazy. Even Piggles, my plump 4 pounder :)

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