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New cage AGAIN

New cage AGAIN - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is Peanut's and Tutu's new 4x4 witha 1x4 loft. I introduced them last night in a 3x3 area, which took 2 hours. They get along good except Tutu chaes Peanut around.
It looks really great. The only thing I would suggest is more hidey houses so they can get away from each other.
Nice Job!! What do you have as flooring for the cage? I see black coroplast for part of it, but what are you using for the rest of it. I am so glad your bubbies are getting along now :D!
I have cardboard and coroplast. There is only a small part with cardboard and hopefully I will be able to get some more coroplast. I did use cardboard in on espot of their old cage and it was fine. Slap- I had hidey houses when I introduced them and one would go in a the other would want to too. I am just going to wait a few days untill they know each other better then I will add them. They have fleece to go under too. Peanut loves to stay in the loft.Thanks
I added another ramp to the other side of the loft so they can get down from both sides. They also now have their houses and litter box.
I think you just gave me the idea of how to fix my boys cage after the big collapse. Nice job.
I'm concerned!!!!!!!!! I think they should have some cloth on the ramp to protect your pigs feet

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