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New C&C cage

New C&C cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I finally got my C&C cage done. I measured it too small, and instead of being a 2.5 x 5 its a 2.5 x 4.5.
Oh well, I do plan to make another layer, and the cage is plenty for my two young guinea pigs. You can see that I'm planning another layer, as I have already cut the coroplast, shown in th
Looks Great!
Just one thing, your food is unsuitable for guinea pigs. Seeds and corn aren't nutritious, and a choking hazard. Switch to just a plain pellet, Oxbow is an excellent brand.
The top level is made of cubes. And ya it was unstable when I shot the picture. I got a thin plastic tube to support it. Thanks for your concern though!
Yes, banjonotbombs my food at the moment is horrible! I agree. I am switching to plain pellets, and I have ordered some good quality from a pet store (we have a pet store near us without any pets!). It may just take a while.

Do you recommend picking out all of the corns and seeds? That would be a lot of work...

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