tink.sweeti Jan 24, 2008 I love it! What type of stores can you buy those plastic "PVC" pipes (or whatever it's called) from? I really want to get some for my pigs, but I don't know where to go. x
I love it! What type of stores can you buy those plastic "PVC" pipes (or whatever it's called) from? I really want to get some for my pigs, but I don't know where to go. x
kirsty1208 Mar 13, 2008 love the cage and well done for using sawdust after all guinea pigs ariginate from the wild where there is grass leaves ect so thats got to be a bonus
love the cage and well done for using sawdust after all guinea pigs ariginate from the wild where there is grass leaves ect so thats got to be a bonus