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Nacho's cage

Nacho's cage - Guinea Pig Cages

The same 2x5 cage, red coroplast with grids just different shot.
GREAT WORK! It is SO big! I Know-For-A-Fact that your piggies LOVE IT! Very Creative job with the soda packs<---- would have never though of that ;-)
Thanks! My son(3yrs) picked out the colors. He made a nice choice. She also has tunnels made from grids & other boxes. She likes playing with her cat balls & little stuffed animals too! Her fav thing to do though has got to be sleeping curled up in her hay pile!

People that come over & haven't seen Nacho's cage always freak out. I think they believe I am nuts(None of them have GPs). However my family & Nacho are very happy with the cage. It works great for us.

Thanks again.
Caribear, I get the same reaction from non-gp friends and family! They all think I am crazy and my girls are spoiled. Well, of course! I am and they are!:cheerful:
I just wanted to say again... I love the colors. Every time I see this pic I always have to look at it. Great work.

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