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My outdoor run!

My outdoor run! - Guinea Pig Cages

This is a run for my piggies, that they go outside in summer in, to munch the lovely green grass! Me and my dad built it last summer, and my girls love it!
I think it's great. nice house tto gget away from the elements. they dont live in it at night do they?
Nope, course not!!

JUst go out in the days when its nice! They love the fresh air, space and grass :D
super! this cage inspired me soooo much! just one question. how do piggers get in the hidey house??I don't see any hole...xD
Thanks :)

There is a piggy sized hole in the peice of wood joining, the enclosed bit, to the outside. It is quite hard to see in this photo, but is very effective ;D

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