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My Newest Cage

My Newest Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my new cage. It houses seven pigs in two seperate cages. Five live in the yellow side of the cage and two boars live on the green side. Both cages have upper and lower decks and pigs are all able to see one another.
This cage is awesome! I just ordered a new cage off of ebay that is huge and my pig is going to love it! After we get it I'm getting him a litte piggy friend so I hope they get along alright!
Great cage!!!!! I think i may actually steal this idea! I have 5 girls too and ONE boy. Do the boys ever fight with having 5 girls next to them?
This cage is AWESoME! It's so neat and clean. I love it! Makes me want to get more piggies :)

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