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my new guinea pig oreo's new cage

my new guinea pig oreo's new cage - Guinea Pig Cages

i built this cage from to 2 window screens that stresh up to 5 feet on the side and the other thing is a shelf hanger and fleece on the bottom now i dont have to worry about getting a new cage
Make sure that the paint on the wall isn't toxic to your pig/s. (it probably is) They might be able to eat it. Otherwise, great cage.
Is it hard to keep the floor clean? I'm thinking about building a cage similar to that but I'm not sure I want to have to wash a huge piece of fleece every other day. . . What's your method?
Meeko - you could always just hoover up any poops in the cage (with the pigs out first of course) and then wash it once/twice a week in the washing machine.
Check out some of the people on here that have little litter boxes. I'm sure plenty of experienced people would be willing to give you advice on potty training. Ive heard that there is quite a bit of success in it! Also, if you get tired of the hay mess on the outside of the bars, my piggy loves to use a big kleenex box stuffed with hay or just a box upside down (with the top open) and a hole cut in the front. Just some ideas. Good work.

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