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My new C&C cage!

My new C&C cage! - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my new C&C cage. It is 3 grids wide by 6 grids long. There is a little area behind the back wall and second back wall for storage.

The boys really seem to love the increased space and were popcorning all over the place when they were first put in.
love it! I wish I had the room to do that. One day I will when I get my human children all grown up!! lol
Wish my room was big enough to do that! In time though, my boys will have a whole room to themselves- once my roommate moves out/deploys, his room will become the piggie room :)
I have 2 males- so there is a lot of room for them! I am hoping that it will alleviate too much "arguing" when they reach the dreaded puberty stage.
I love the way you have the fleece clipped to the coroplast! I would never have thought of it and it's the best idea! My pigs like to move the fleece and poop in the corners and this is the perfect solution!

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