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My Little Pony Cage

My Little Pony Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Here's the coroplast box without the cubes.
I dont get what you are talking about either "mad guinea pigs" i see no bowls except the ones that are in the box,
I think they were out for floor time. They were didn't like constuction over thier heads so I put the cage on the bed and worked on it there.

There is a bowl of rocks on the pile of bamboo boxes. Is that the bowl you are wondering about?
No sorry, I didnt mean to put that, but couldnt your pigs chew on the wire of the computer(if it is a computer?)
No wires. It's an old computer that I use for various non computer purposes (table, door stop, cat seat)

All the wires are in a box somewhere. The computer still works, it's just really really old.
Geez, I don't know why she's being so critical. Anyway - I think it's a lovely size! I bet they have tons of fun running around in there!!

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