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My girls cage

My girls cage - Guinea Pig Cages

C&C cage ..3x5 with loft.. open
How beautiful is this!!!! This is one of the best set ups I've ever seen!!!! I LOVE it. :) I am hoping to do something like this for my girls! I have 4, but one of them is a baby, so she is still living with just her momma. :) But when she gets a little bigger, I'm gonna steal your idea! Do you mind?
Thank you.. I have added to the loft.. I need to update my photos.. Lol it is now a 2X3 loft. My girls spend a lot more time up there now. I have a flip door on the end and is easier to clean :)
Okay so I have a dumb question...how do you attach your fleece to the ramp? This is what I've been doing but I've been using binder clips to attach the fleece to the ramp. What is your trick? Beautiful cage!

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