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my girl's cage

my girl's cage - Guinea Pig Cages

the two bottom levels are connected by the ramp... the top level is for the loner pig, she doesn't really like my other pigs, but she really loves having the whole place to herself!
This looks very cool! Is that your bed above? If it is, you might consider making a plastic roof for the top level so the dust doesn't fall into the cage. If not, forget I asked! *G* :)
what kind of dust would fall in?? dust from the wood??...it is my bed above...i ran out of room in my room so i had to build a loft bed for them to go under! lol
and thanks everyone else! my pigs do love it...and i like that they have enough room...i still sometimes think the cage for the loner pig is too small... hopefully one day when i move, i'll have enough room to make her cage next to theirs and be able to add another level to her home.... :)
yeah i actually just used an idea off of this site for the exercise pen... it's foldable...makde out of left over cubes, zip ties, and one of those cheap dollar store fleece backed plastic table clothes so it's easy to clean....the idea was on this site under floor time i think...but such a great idea my pigs LOVE it.... i open their front dorr and they get run of the floor... and they're still in an inclosed easy to clean area! and they can go in and out of their own cage as they please :) they really love that idea! so thank to whoever posted it!!

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