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My First Cavy Cage

My First Cavy Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is a picture of the upper level of my cage and the hayloft. The litterpan actually can be taken all the way to make it easy to dump. Piggies walk over the bridge of logs to "clean" Carefresh off their feet. Hayrack is hanging by eyelet screws that are screwed into the cholorplast for easy re
Just came on to see about how to create a new cage for my little Guinea Girl. I love the idea of fleece. So soft for her little feet. My only concern is she has never been one to climb and was wondering how to train her to go over the bridge, and use the litter part. She seems to think she should litter everywhere. I don't belive she would climb to different levels, but would love to have that for her if it would work. Can you teach an old guinea pig new tricks, she is about three years old.
Three years old is not that old for a pig and seeing her food would be in that area I am sure she would cross the bridge---piggies will do whatever it takes to fill their bellies. Mine do go potty ALL over the cage, not just in the hayloft area but I just use my rechargable Dirt Devil vacuum twice a day and it is clean again.
I'm going to try the idea of the little bridge in my cage once I switch to fleece. At the moment I can't bend down all the time to dust bust the little beans they insist on making out of it enough to have fleece. I clean out my whole cage once every week and that is a chore enough right now. Maybe after I have the baby. I love the idea and I love the cage and fleece patterns you used

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